2021 is the era of the development of artificial intelligence and robots
2021 is the era of the development of artificial intelligence and robots

We couldn't wait until the end of this year  because 2020 was not the most favorable year. The terrible Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in losses and negatively affected several areas of life and business. But, despite this, she gave a powerful impetus to the development of such areas as robotics and the creation of artificial intelligence. It is assumed that in 2021 these areas will gain even more popularity and become an integral part of our lives.

Robots are everywhere

It is expected that in 2021 specially programmed robots will be everywhere. They will take care of humanity and help with everything.

Back at the end of 2020, we could see the Boston Dynamics root dancing, showing extraordinary success in choreography. It was this successful development of robotics that led everyone to wonder whether it was really necessary to look for Skynet.

But in fact, no killer robots or, on the contrary, super-rescuers are waiting for us, all we can count on is helpful assistants who will greatly simplify our life.

At the very end of the outgoing year, the FAA promoted the massive use of drones as delivery vehicles. They will be used in the area and in those cities where this is possible. Therefore, in a few months, you may receive a long-awaited package using a drone. New Yorkers and Las Vegas will be the first to experience this.

It is also worth mentioning ground vehicles on wheels, which have already passed all the checks and began to get out of the assembly line a year ago. Large self-driving cars first appeared on the streets of California. But we expect a rapid spread of this technology in other densely populated cities because now we spend a lot of time at home.

Technological progress does not stop only at the delivery of parcels, the development of an autonomous restaurant business is in full swing. It is very convenient and as safe as possible because robotic machines are not virus carriers, besides, they can work all day without interruption. The concept of dividing robotics into one that prepares dishes and one that delivers products looked quite successful, but as you can see, usually these processes are performed by one robot.

The automation process tackles problems such as a shortage of labor in the service sector, as well as helps the restaurant business thrive in a pandemic.

also, it will help solve the problem with the shortage of drivers for cars, as well as trucks. The solution to this issue can be the use of autonomous tractors with trailers for main lines. Although this is contrary to the trade union organizations, which are not happy with such an idea. But, with a shortage of labor, managers will have the opportunity to fill the shortage of drivers with automated equipment.

Also, we should be ready for the active development of artificial intelligence. In 2021, he will surround us everywhere. When we enter a store, office center, or hospital, we already see sensor sensors that measure body temperature and prevent the spread of disease. Next year we will see a real breakthrough in the development of artificial intelligence. Already in 2020, the Nvidia Broadcast project was launched with Omniverse Machinima, which improved the quality of online conferences.

Now, thanks to the development of graphics processors, it will be possible to use deep-fake technology, which will make it possible to make the most realistic virtual office in the background, with the elimination of extraneous noise. Also, you can test the use of virtual clothing, improving the overall appearance, and more.

We believe that the possibility of choosing a suit in which you will conduct an online conference can help you establish contacts with partners from different countries. The clothes you choose will show you in a positive light and help you thrive in your career. Perhaps we will encounter such amusing cases as in the film "Lost in Space", when the hero changed the image of the teacher on the screen, who scolded him for bad behavior, into an anime monkey. Such opportunities, of course, can negatively affect the leaders of many spheres and bring problems.

By synchronizing your electronic assistant with the Cisco Webex Desk Hub, you can use Alexa at home and work.

This will not be exactly the way we are used to using Siri or other electronic assistants, but this program will be actively supported by AI technologies such as IBM Watson to easily and quickly determine the essence of your business question. You will find a real assistant and advisor who will point out the best paths for development, tell you with whom it is better to cooperate, how best to distribute responsibilities and what mistakes it is better not to make.

The most rewarding thing we can get is AI-powered health monitor enhancement. Now you can get more accurate information about your health in a matter of seconds. Checking your blood pressure, insulin levels, and body temperature just got easier and you get instant help in emergencies. This development will also become a breakthrough in the development of prosthetics.

We have covered just a few of the most incredible developments that we might see in 2021.

They mainly concern the development of artificial intelligence, human-machine interfaces, and improved transport systems.

The opportunity to see flying robots, cars, and drones makes 2021 the most anticipated year. It will be a year of discovery, incredible advances in technology, and AI. But of course, we understand that it will take several years to develop all the planned innovations.


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