Omron corporation state-of-the-art 3D cameras, as well as artificial intelligence-based machine vision technologies, are specially designed for a super-accurate selection of objects based on shape, shape, weight, and size. Omron Automation's latest robotics trade show featured innovative AI-based technologies. At one of the company's presentations, one can see the fusion of the innovative FH 3D vision technology and the collaborative robot TM. Also, the company presented a project to integrate motion control systems, as well as delta robots.

Omron has created the FH series 3D camera that can control the waste collection process. It is the first experience of the corporation using 3-D technologies. The corporation's chief engineer claims that the development of this system was quite problematic due to the variety of items to collect. They all differ in their appearance, which complicates the recognition process in three dimensions. Thanks to the improved 3D camera, it became possible to recognize the location of objects in one or another part of the pallet, at the same time to send their finding to automated equipment. The cobot system is capable of producing sufficiently deep studies and calculations that are simply necessary to improve the workflow, namely to improve the quality of collecting items.

In addition to the demonstrated way of using the system, the camera can also be used with other devices. The developer claims that it is possible to integrate automated technology and a 3D camera on top of a movable Omron robot. This can be useful when collecting items located on the same line from two or more rooms, as well as their further placement along the perimeter.

The developed FH Vision quiet technology itself is the smallest 3D indicator (100x100x50 mm) on the FH system. Due to its miniature size and weight of 500 grams, it can easily fit on Omron's FH Vision System is a small and FH 3D sensor measuring 100x100x50 mm and weighing about 0.5 kg, which allows it to be mounted on a robot structure. It can work with applications based on 2D, and the speed of recognition of 3D objects is just half a second.

Besides, Omron emphasized the incorporation of AI into FH vision technology, which is designed to provide quality troubleshooting. To do this, engineers needed to combine motion coordination systems, and HMI, as well as delta robots. The developer of automated equipment, Omron Automation, pointed out that thanks to the built-in AIS in FH's vision, it became possible to recognize inaccuracies and errors. AI Fine Matching, coupled with Damage Investigation System, can increase the speed and efficiency of coordination on smooth production lanes. Moreover, Ormerod expressed the opinion that the corporation's controller on an AIS is capable of recognizing breakdowns and malfunctions in equipment. This became possible thanks to the analysis of information and subtleties of work online in real-time. This approach significantly saves the company time and money.


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