Based on the latest trends, the most successful startups of the next decade will be projects related to robots. This includes development, production, implementation in the work of enterprises, and the everyday life of an ordinary person. Investors' interest in robotics has become particularly acute with the start of the massive purchase of startups in this area by Google.

The corporation also bought out several American companies involved in the creation of robots and attracted many teams of talented specialists to its staff. Given the specifics of Google, we can safely say that in this area the company intended to become a monopoly. I must admit that Google has not succeeded yet. But growing interest and investment in robotics has become a constant trend in Silicon Valley and around the world. Already today in the USA there is a great development of robotics. Although only small, insignificant developments are available to consumers so far. In most cases, these are drone drones, robot vacuum cleaners, and mechanical toys that are not real robots. But the interest of companies and ordinary people in them is not diminishing. On the contrary, the people of America are ready to pay any money to become the happy owners of a technical masterpiece. In other countries, there is no less interest in this area.

You need to start adjusting to the future

So far, there are very few specialists in the world who are well-trained in robotics. Some of them do not understand well the prospects associated with it, believing that everything necessary for a comfortable life has already been invented. Investors, seeing this situation, are in no hurry to invest huge amounts of money in this area, but everything can change very quickly. Much the same was observed in the 70s, at the beginning of the era of computers. Nowadays, computers are an integral part of life, and they are sold literally in the millions. But computers are no longer something new, so the interest in them is purely utilitarian. The main income from them and the various services that were developed for them have long been collected. The turn of new products came, and robots became this novelty. They may have to create a fundamentally new Internet, search engines, and many services, but this will be already when high-tech assistants will already work for us. A robot is a large computer that looks different, can move and make decisions by itself. But at the heart of any robot is a good old computer. Another problem that has not yet been resolved is AI training. The robot operates according to complex principles, it cannot be simply turned off if it does something wrong. It needs to be programmed so that it does exactly what you want it to do. It is becoming more and more difficult to do this, due to the constant complication of tasks and their variety. It is impossible to create separate software for each robot and each client. This is simply not possible. Therefore, robots are becoming unified, and individual robot training is replacing individual programming of robots. Each robot has to be taught everything separately, and the methods of copying the knowledge they acquired in the process of learning and mass transferring to other copies are also still at the very beginning of development. This creates the need for a new branch of business that no one has even thought about before. It also requires investments that will pay off huge profits.



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